Plant hire

Floral features suppliers Plantscape saved the day for Luton Borough Council by turning round an order to install hundreds of barrier and hanging baskets that would transform the town’s streets into a mass of colour in just four weeks.

The company, which is based in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, not only fulfilled the order on time and on budget, it then installed the 110 hanging baskets and 305 barrier baskets in less than six hours so that the display was ready for commuters first thing on Monday morning.

Luton’s town centre and main highways have gone without floral displays for two years following Luton Borough Council’s budget cuts in 2006. Facing its third consecutive year without planters full of colourful blooms, Councillors decided that floral displays were good for people’s morale and would make Luton more attractive to visitors.

As a result, the authority decided to spend an extra £50,000 on barrier baskets and hanging baskets to decorate the town and accompany its traditional bedding displays.

The only problem was timing. The decision to spend the money was taken in May, when other local authorities were getting their planters delivered or installing their own.

By the time the order was placed, it was early June, meaning that Plantscape had just one month in which to source the flowers, plant and grow them on, order the baskets and investigate the sites around the town where they would be installed. Email:
Telephone: +44 (0)1335 372 785

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