Wessex’s log splitters range covers every requirement, from electrically powered versions for the home owner, to tractor-mounted professional splitters with a splitting force of an incredible 20 tons. All models meet or exceed the stringent requirements of the European CE and the British HSE legislations, including two hands control.
One feature sure to be a hit with commercial users is the facility to load logs hydraulically onto the machine via a log loading cradle. Fitted on three of the larger models this feature not only cuts work time significantly, but reduces the danger of back strain and promotes a safer working procedure. With a task as potentially dangerous as splitting logs this feature alone could prove to be worth the investment..
Another area of Health and Safety concern is working posture, and this is where the unique VS machines will appeal. The VS series are vertical tractor-mounted splitters, with an adjustable platform to ensure a convenient working height, and can be specified with the optional log loader, lifting heavy logs from ground level to a vertical splitting position. An adjustable stop allows the ram to return to a convenient position when splitting short logs to ensure optimum output.
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