GreenMech recently hosted a press conference to deliver an update on the company’s progress. Sales Director Martin Lucas outlined GreenMech’s heritage, the role of wood chippers in today’s market and delivered a overview of the company’s range of machines along with their vast spectrum of clients.
There were a number of changes in both GreenMech’s approach and product offering which includes new additions, and upgrades to, the Arborist and QuadChip ranges; the launch of GreenMech Finance and the introduction of a new blade sharpening unit – which provides customers with the control to sharpen their own disc blades.
A key area of interest was the number of new dealer partnerships established both in the UK and overseas. Committed to the dealer route to market, GreenMech have a home market and export split of 40/60, with international trading in 30 countries. The latest on that list include Poland, Turkey, South Korea and Russia.
As the largest chipper manufacturer in Europe, GreenMech put their success down to the quality and effectiveness of their machines, which are all produced in-house at The Mill Industrial Park – a home to manufacturing for over 50 years.
On the factory tour, more changes were evident with the introduction of lean processing in the fabrication and production areas. The recent switch has seen lead times cut from 13 weeks down to just 6-8 weeks, from a sheet of metal entering the factory one end to a chipper emerging the other.
Then it was outside to see a range of the GreenMech units in action, including the newest product in the range, the Arborist 200. Also shown were popular favourites including the QuadChip 160 and the company’s unique Safe-Trak unit.
Commenting on the event, GreenMech Director Jonathan Turner said, “It was a pleasure to open the doors once again and display all of the new developments we’ve been working hard on over the last couple of years. The atmosphere of the day was very positive and we welcomed the opportunity to show off our facilities that make us proud to be a British manufacturer.”
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