Rigby Taylor

NEW Top Green Landscape and Environmental Range of grass seed mixtures
For landscapes that last Rigby Taylor and Top Green have been working in close partnership to create a NEW range of grass seed mixtures, which also focus on lowering costs. Ensuring high quality standards are maintained, this range has been specially selected to meet the needs of specifiers, landscape architects and local authorities concerned with sustainability issues.
Of particular interest to landscapers will be the Top Green Eurotop Range which includes high speed renovation, parkland and lawns mixtures. The Top Green Eurospace Range includes parks renovation, general and superior landscape mixtures together with a dedicated building surrounds mixture. For more site-specific requirements the Top Green Enviro Range features mixtures for coastal sites, flood defence, footpath restoration, moorlands and reclamation areas.
Carbon capture ratings for all mixtures
Rigby Taylor and Top Green carried out carbon sequestration research to determine the best grass species at carbon capture. Carbon ratings are given within the listings of the new catalogue.
Grass Seed Development Manager at Rigby Taylor, Stephen Denton, says: “This is an extremely useful tool especially with regard to environmental considerations. Importantly, when selecting grass mixtures a decision can now be based on the amount of carbon dioxide the grasses take out of the atmosphere.”

Aiding establishment each grass seed is coated with a very fine film of Rapid Green – a natural seaweed extract. As this adds very little weight to the seed normal sowing rates are maintained but benefits include improved rooting and healthier plants.
Select your mixture for:
Reduced cutting and clippings: To reduce on-going maintenance costs grasses included within some mixtures not only require less cutting but also produce less clippings.
This reduces labour requirements and puts less wear on machinery.
Grass Seed Development Manager at Rigby Taylor, Stephen Denton, says: “Cutting regimes can be significantly reduced using new grass cultivars as certain varieties of perennial ryegrass produce around 30 per cent less clippings.”
Requiring less water: Tall fescues are becoming more important in the UK where drought tolerance is required. Through its deep rooting system, which searches for water within the soil profile, plants stay greener during extremely dry conditions. And the new generation of tall fescues being bred by Top Green and Rigby Taylor include dwarf varieties which are perfectly acceptable in general landscaping situations. The problem had been that as rhizomatous tall fescues tend to go dormant in the winter; with the larger leafed varieties this made it more visible within the sown mixture.
Grande II features many rhizomes and the tall fescue Scorpiones is a turfted variety with a finer leaf width, helping it to blend in well with perennial ryegrasses
Nitrogen fixing: To improve the summer aspect of the turf, while at the same time fixing enough nitrogen to feed it over the whole year, some grass seed mixtures include microclover.
For landscaped areas this is a very good method to maintain the sward without the need to apply synthetic nitrogen.
Seed is supplied in 15kilo bags: for easier handling and to meet Euorpean Health and Safety guidelines. This will cover 500 square metres.

Contact: Rigby Taylor on 01204 677770 email: j.snarr@rigbytaylor.com

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