Sports turf test bed

After hosting the Eurovision Song Contest the Azerbaijan authorities won the rights to host the 2012 Under 17 Women’s World Cup Finals – but to host the event they had to upgrade and build several new venues.
The existing pitches were in bad shape, and indigenous sports turf skills were limited. DLF were asked to supply a suitable Bermuda grass and recommend a suitable hard wearing poa pratensis mix to do the job. To put the task into perspective, the new turf gave rise to the first poa pratensis/ lolium perenne and Bermuda grass pitches properly grown in the country.
The chosen varieties, within the poa pratensis mix selected, had characteristics to enable them to cope well with drought and heat stress plus having the wear characteristics required for short burst of really intensive play – helped by the inclusion of the No 1 rated sports turf cultivar Sombrero. The Bermuda grass, Mirage II, was selected for the main 8km Stadium in Baku; newly constructed for the Women’s Under 17 World Cup and became something of a sports turf test bed.
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