The use of geometry in garden design will be explored at the SGD Autumn Conference on 17 November 2018 (at the Royal Geographical Society London SW7), and how the relationship between shapes and lines is at the heart of garden and landscape design. In a series of talks, speakers will guide delegates through their techniques and processes to help explain the creative thinking behind the use of geometry.
From the UK, landscape designer Christopher Bradley-Hole will explore arithmetic, rhythm, space, proportion, relationship and harmony in garden design in his talk ‘The Whole is Greater than the Part’.
Also from the UK, landscape architect and designer Ian Kitson will use the topic ‘Another Line of Thought’ to showcase some of his most exciting projects. Renowned for combining an innate instinct for balance and proportion with a love of nature, to create the shapes and forms in his designs, Ian will explain what motivates his approach to landscape and garden design and how he uses geometry to create his masterpieces.
From Australia, landscape architect and environmental artist Kate Cullity will be exploring the role design expressions, such as patterning, repetition and the power of multiples, play out in her projects in a talk titled ‘More than Just Looking Good: Beauty, Aesthetics and Care.’
Brazilian landscape architect Alex Hanazaki will explore ‘Brazilian Geometry’, explaining how Brazilian culture is characterised by a rich mix of different identities, which play together in complex urban dynamics. His talk will also examine a variety of natural Brazilian landscapes from the vast Cerrado (savannas) to the exuberant tropical forests.
Italian designer Cristina Mazzucchelli will address the topic ‘The Complementary Role of Curves and Lines in Creating Harmony’ explaining her belief that, in garden design, mathematical rules are linked to our feeling of harmony, and that colours such as white and green emanate a positive feeling of wellbeing.
The conference will be chaired by John Wyer, founder of landscape company Bowles & Wyer.
Tickets: SGD office 01159 683 188 /