Plummeting temperatures has put a halt to turf growth, after a record-breaking mild winter that kept turf growing far longer than normal. Greenkeepers and turf managers should now consider using Medallion TL fungicide activity to protect turf quality through to new spring growth, advises Syngenta Technical Manager, Dr Simon Watson.
When turf growth stops, it puts the plant under increased stress and with greater susceptibility to disease, he warns. Disease infection also has the chance to develop without growing out and being mown off – which can result in serious scarring and loss of surface smoothness. “An application of Medallion TL when there is a risk of Fusarium Patch attack can give long-lasting control during cold, slow growing conditions,” he advised. “It’s especially important to protect turf quality now, with little chance of recovery from damage until growth picks up later in the spring.”
“One of the key benefits we have seen with Medallion TL, in addition to the outstanding disease protection on the leaf, is the activity that knocks out disease pathogen in the thatch. That can significantly reduce the potential sources of infection and lower the risk of disease attack for a prolonged period.”
To help time fungicide applications more effectively, greenkeepers and agronomists can review their local weather forecast and predictions of disease risks for the coming five days on the free turf management website
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