Heathwood Nurseries based in Shropshire produce trees, shrubs and hedging in cells, containers and field grown including root balled trees and hedging.
Heathwood is a family run business with the third generation now taking an interest in growing. They offer local grown plants sourced from local seed origins. All their plants are inspected by DEFRA during the growing season to ensure they are pest and disease free. They will come and plan, plant and maintain your project from start to finish ensuring you get the best results possible.
Their cell grown plants make planting easier and extends the season by several months compared to bare rooted, the bare rooted are grown on good quality soil to ensure a good roots system. The container grown plants range in size from 20cm tall to 20cm girth offering you a full range all year round.
They also have a wide range of garden trees and shrubs including fruit trees in our sales area open to the public.
Tel 01948 840120