TULIP FESTIVALS 2011…www.dejager.co.uk

Over 150,000 tulips are being planted across eight historic locations in England and Ireland in readiness for the 2011 de Jager tulip festivals in April and May 2011. P. de Jager & Sons has provided the top quality, top size tulips to be planted in order to create a sea of glorious tulip colour for the public to admire.

The historic properties that have agreed to host the Tulip Festivals are:

• The Alnwick Garden, Northumberland – Saturday 30th April through to Saturday 7th May;
• Chatsworth, Derbyshire (as part of their Spring Florabundance) – Friday 6th May to
Tuesday 10th May;
• Dyrham Park, Gloucestershire – Friday 1st to Saturday 30th April;
• Polesden Lacey, Surrey – Wednesday 27th April to Sunday 15th May;
• Powerscourt, Ireland – Friday 22nd April to Monday 2nd May;
• Stourhead, Wiltshire – Monday 25th April – Sunday 8th May;
• The Lost Gardens of Heligan, Cornwall – Saturday 23rd April to Monday 2nd May;
• Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire – Saturday 16th April to Monday 2nd May.

“We were given such fantastic feedback from visitors to the venues last Spring,” says de Jager owner George Clowes, “that we decided to hold more festivals in 2011. At Tulip Festivals we celebrate the versatility of the fabulous bulb and demonstrate to visitors to the gardens and properties how magnificent tulips are and what a difference top size bulbs really makes. All the tulips on display, whether they are growing in the grounds or are cut and arranged in vases, will all be carefully labelled so that visitors know exactly what they are called.”
There are nearly 1,000 different bulbs in de Jager’s spring and summer collections, with over 100 varieties at any one time being either new or re-introductions.
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