More square

Entec is developing landscape design proposals to transform the public realm spaces at Land Securities’ Thomas More Square holding in central London.

Built in the early 1990s, Thomas More Square now has a dated and clinical feel. Situated adjacent to St. Katherine’s Dock by Tower Bridge, the site has the potential to create a dramatic new public landscape for the office workers and local community.

Entec’s project director Anthony Brookfield says: "Entec’s design approach to the public realm looks to reinvigorate the spaces, ‘re-humanising’ them, incorporating softer elements such as ornamental planting, raised lawns, trees, timber and creating softer, natural landscape forms. The hard landscape is dominated by granite, much of which will be retained. It will be complemented by refined landscape detailing with new raised planters, seating and a suite of new bespoke street furniture and lighting."

The design also integrates some innovative sustainable techniques using untreated oak for the retaining walls and utilising the lifted granite paving and walling materials and re-using them within gabion cage retainer walling."

Work is due to start autumn 2008.
Tel: 0191 272 6337

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