Lawns have taken a battering this winter, as Britain’s wetter conditions kicked in. But you can bring turf back to life with a co-ordinated programme of lawn care reports Greg Rhodes
“With only a small window when we can’t mow the lawn, send your mower away to get its annual service and blade sharpened,” urges Richard Salmon, managing director of specialists ProLawnCare UK. “Mow at least once a week to create a beautiful lawn – never too short (less than 25 mm) unless you use a cylinder mow on bowling green type grass.”
Treat moss with an iron-based product to stop it its tracks before it can compete with the lawn, Richard adds, and repair bare, worn and dog-urine affected areas by sowing more seed. “Lightly fork or spike bare areas, scatter some seed and cover with a sieved soil to aid germination and hide from hungry birds,” he cautions.
Apply a balanced organic spring fertiliser containing nitrogen, phosphate, potassium and magnesium. “Avoid the ‘weed, feed and moss, all-in-one formulation,” Richard advises, “as it’s best to treat weeds separately with a liquid spray.”
Using an organic fertiliser will help boost soil microbes and feed the soil, he continues, “rather than force feeding the grass with artificial nitrogen, which can be detrimental.”
Apply a selective herbicide from April onwards, if weeds are spread throughout the lawn. “If you only have a few weeds, lightly prize these from the soil to avoid having to apply a herbicide, when it can be avoided. A good healthy lawn, mowed regularly at the right height, is the best from of weed control.”
Deep tining the lawn with a machine assists movement of oxygen down to the roots for a stronger more resilient root structure, Richard says. “It also aids drainage and provides holes for grass seed to drop into, to thicken the lawn.”
Lightly scarify and de-thatch the lawn ahead of the growing season as this prunes out the action of old leaves, removes dead and thatch grass, while removing moss, allowing nutrients and air to reach the soil and the grass plant.
Fill in hollows and sunken areas. “If you have some unevenness in the lawn that needs correcting, fill in the areas with sieved topsoil and rake in more grass seed. Covering this with a germination sheet will speed up germination and keep predators off.”
Apply a seaweed organic liquid feed. “Such natural food is a great way to stimulate the soil which in turn feeds the lawn,” says Richard.
Finally, re-edge the lawn. “Reshape or just tidy the edges where the lawn meets the border or patio. Use a sharp half-moon edging tool for a clean circumference.”