The annual National Landscape Awards is fast approaching. Taking place on 1st December, 2023 in London, the event – run by the British Association Landscape Industries (BALI) – is set to acknowledge excellence across the landscaping industry from design and construction to maintenance and suppliers services.
As well as recognising the talents of those working across the industry, the event also celebrates those taking their first steps into landscaping. The Student of the Year will be crowned at the awards by the Bali Chalk Fund (BCF). The BCF works to establish and develop an effective enrichment programme designed to ensure that graduates enter the workforce with the necessary skill.
The BCF Trustees are very pleased to announce that they had record entries this year in two categories – landscape student of the year and design student of the year.
The Judges have selected the best seven students studying a Level 2 or above. The winner of each category “Landscape” and “Design” will be an announced on the night. The nominees as follows:
Colleges Students Category
Active learning Merritt Wood College Joe Elsden Landscape
Capel Manor College Lucy Mitchell Design
KLC School of Design Catharine Beck Design
London College of Garden DesignCraig Atkinson Design
Sparsholt College Adam Goodchild Landscape
SRUC Oatridge Duncan Frazer Landscape
Wiltshire College Russell Fletcher Landscape
Each Best student has received a £100 prize and certificate. The winner of each category on the night will get a £500 prize each for the student and the college.
Trustees of BCF Nick Coslett and Paul Cowell say: “We have been delighted with the level of interest and record entries into this year’s competition. We are extremely grateful to the Students, Tutors and Colleges for taking part”