The API’s Playful Places at Playfair 2010 will be designed by API Members and reflect Play England’s Play Shaper thinking for communities . It will be a central play display feature and will illustrate and demonstrate best practice in play area design, layout and equipment selection. Each play surface or item of play equipment, natural or ‘fixed’, will have an information board. The boards will explain their function and benefits in, for example, helping to combat obesity, honing skills like balance and judgement and developing motor muscle strength and coordination – while offering children lots of fun and excitement, challenge, risk and reward – and play, for play’s sake.
Then after seeing and learning so much from API’s Playful Places there is a whole exhibition for visitors to see at Playfair 2010 June 22 /23 Stonleigh Park Coventry . With so many exhibitor stands and the API seminars, for ‘play full’ this is indeed the place. More:
0207 973 4695
(See show preview June issue The Landscaper)
Play Shaper
Play Shaper is a national professional development programme that helps the people who plan, design, build and manage our communities to understand the importance of play and their role in creating child-friendly public spaces.
Play Shaper is aimed at senior managers and professionals including; planners and developers, landscapers and designers, highways and transport, health professionals, schools and children’s services and the police.
Play Shaper provides a unique opportunity for local authorities, Play Shaper and their partners to work together to make this the best place in the world for children to grow up. Furthermore, by making play a priority, professionals can create healthier and happier communities, and deliver on a range of commitments shaping their work
Play Shaper is a partnership led by Play England, with Playwork Partnerships and SkillsActive, under contract to the Department for Children, Schools and Families.