#GoSchoolSuccess brings horticulture to schools

#GoSchoolSuccess campaign launched to promote landscaping and horticulture careers in primary schools

A campaign to bring horticulture and gardening to primary schools has been launched by GoLandscape, The British Association of Landscape Industries’ careers initiative and The School Gardening Success Plan. #GoSchoolSuccess aims to promote horticulture and landscaping as a career to a younger generation, early on in their gardening adventure.

Skinny Jean Gardener

During the past decade BBC Blue Peter presenter and gardening expert, Lee Connelly, also known for his gardening podcast Skinny Jean Gardener, has worked on variety of campaigns encouraging children into gardening. While successful in promoting gardening in the moment, the drive lacked follow-up support for the schools or teachers to continue the good work. In 2020 Lee travelled the country, getting 10,000 children gardening in one week, and through his research in that time realised what was missing in schools. And so The School Gardening Success Plan came to be.

As well as teaching children how to grow your own and care for wildlife, Lee believes it is important to show children from primary school age that horticulture and landscaping could be a possible career. As a result, The School Gardening Success Plan, GoLandscape and the companies that support it came together to form #GoSchoolSuccess.

School Gardening Success Plan

The School Gardening Success Plan provides a complete solution. Along with garden tools, it also includes a raised bed, seeds, weekly video tutorials, all aimed at giving a seamless package to get every child in class working, learning, and growing. Best of all it provides the teachers with 24/7 online support, meaning no matter what or when, teachers can ask questions to the School Gardening Success Plan team to help with full gardening success.

Of the inititative founder, Lee says: “This is the most important time to get this into education so that once the subject of future careers comes up in secondary school, children already have knowledge of what is available and an interest in gardening. I’m very excited about working with GoLandscape to get the plan around the country and be part of a changing movement of children’s gardening.”

“GoLandscape is really pleased to be supporting this campaign with Lee,” says Stephen Ensell-Education Officer at British Association of Landscape Industries. “It provides a great opportunity to ‘sow the seeds early’ for these children to be aware of the world of work and careers in the landscape industry. The children involved in The School Gardening Success Plan may very well be the next generation of landscapers and professional gardeners.”

It is The School Gardening Success Plans mission to have at least one plan in every primary school by 2025, which will give more than 30,000 primary schools and one million childrentthe chance to start gardening and learn about careers in horticulture.

The British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI) wants to encourage its members to support one of their local schools and provide a School Gardening Success Plan to get a class gardening adventure started and highlight the career opportunities in the landscape and horticulture industry.

To be part of #GoSchoolSuccess and support or sponsor a School Gardening Success Plan find out more atskinnyjeangardener.co.uk/goschoolsuccess. Or see the top independent schools here.

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