Visitors to last year’s IOG SALTEX will collectively spend around £1.2 billion as a result of visiting the UK’s leading open space management exhibition. Independent research at the three-day show revealed that:

[] Almost 1,000 visitors were from organisations that spend over £1 million each year on open space management products and services
[] 410 were from organisations that spend over £500,000
[] Nearly 800 visitors spend up to £500,000 each year, and
[] Over 1,000 spend up to £50,000.
The survey also showed that spending power has increased (to an average of £183,000 for each visitor with spending power) compared with visitors to the 2007 show, and that:
[] Nearly 70 per cent of visitors to the show had buying power
[] 68 per cent of these said IOG SALTEX influenced their purchasing decisions, and 73 per cent considered IOG SALTEX as the most important event for their business, and
[] 59 per cent of visitors DO NOT usually see any non-supplier sales representatives.
[] 77 per cent of visitors went to the show to look for new ideas or products – and 84 per cent said it was important to see equipment working in an outdoor environment
[] 60 per cent of visitors do not plan to visit any other UK exhibition – and over 95 per cent do not plan to visit any overseas exhibition, and
[] 28 per cent were looking for new or alternative suppliers.

The research also reveals that around a third of the audience were new visitors to the show, thus enabling exhibitors to meet thousands of ‘new faces’ every year.

Sales Director Clare Johnson says: “The figures certainly reinforce that IOG SALTEX is the most important show for the whole of the open space industry – from fine turf and sports surfaces through turf maintenance equipment to outdoor play”

IOG SALTEX 2009 will be held on 8-10 September at Windsor Racecourse, Berks,

Tel: 020 7955 3987

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