Zest for success

Judy Behl with Sir Bernard Ingham, President of the British Franchise Association.

The brains behind Britain’s first domestic garden design and construction franchise has bounced back onto the landscaping scene with Lime Orchard. Judy Behl – founder of Scenic Blue, the UK’s first landscaping franchise acquired by Marshalls 2006 – is launching a new garden design and construction service.
“The new company will appeal to homeowners looking for a national brand capable of delivering a
reliable, high quality solution for their garden project” says Judy

Judy served on the national board of the British Franchise Association
for two years She was also a regional delegate for the British
Association of Landscape Industries (BALI).

Lime Orchard will launch this month with the strap line Refresh your Garden “We are now actively seeking out experienced garden designers and landscape architects, to join Lime Orchard’s national team of specialists, as well as established landscape construction businesses interested in working with the company to build high quality, predominantly domestic projects. We are also keen to establish a rapport with reputable garden centres looking to extend their portfolio of services, by offering a complete design and build offering to their customers” says Judy.

Lime Orchard will be developed nationally via a network of franchisees,all of whom will have direct access to the company’s business, financial, technical and marketing resources. Each franchisee will
develop the profile of the Lime Orchard brand in a specific post-coded

“Ideal franchisees are likely to possess significant sales skills and direct experience of the landscape or construction industries.”
Judy explained feels that the credit crunch could potentially signal an unprecedented interest in
franchise businesses, as large-scale redundancies triggers a pool of talented people looking to invest their redundancy funds in a suitable business opportunity.
The Lime Orchard proposition taps into the current consumer trend to “improve not move” – according to RatePeople.com’s research last year a massive 2.7 million homeowners decided to stay put and spend the money that they had saved on improving their homes instead.

The launch will be supported by a number of marketing initiatives including the development of a dedicated web site, direct marketing, trade and consumer exhibition support and a
comprehensive trade and consumer PR campaign.
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