Work Starts Cronton Colliery

Work on the exciting transformation of the derelict Cronton Colliery into an informal country park has finally started.
The first phase of work on the new park is now underway improving the old mineral railway line in Whiston, which will eventually form a safe route over the M62 into the park and an important link to Stadt Moors Park.
Euan Hall, Chief Executive of the Land Trust, who now own the site and will be overseeing its transformationtold The Landscaper “There is a lot of public support for the establishment of an informal country park at the colliery which has been agonisingly close to opening for a few years now. We recognise that people have had to live with a derelict site for a long time and have had to for wait for a number of years for any plans to become reality, so we’ve wasted no time in getting started once the site became ours.”
However, Euan adds a note of caution, “We have to carry out the work in phases over a longer period that was initially planned because we have less funding than was originally designated. We are keen to open up as much of the park as we can soon as we can and we will be talking with the community in the coming months to look at how best to schedule the work with the resources we
During the first phase of restoration The Land Trust is working with Groundwork Merseyside who are using their intermediate labour market (ILM) to carry out the work. The ILM is a scheme which has helps unemployed people back into work by providing hands on training and experience as well as a working wage. The main tasks being undertaken on the railway line are clearing debris, cutting back vegetation and improving the path surfacing
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