Wild birds ….www.gardmanwildbirdcare.co.uk

THE UK’s largest supplier of gardening and wild bird care products is hoping bird lovers from all over the country will feed garden birds during the winter months to ensure their welfare.
Gardman, which sells a range of bird care and other products, is hoping to help draw attention to the fact that feeding wild birds will greatly improve their survival rates throughout the harsh winter conditions via its stockists nationwide.
Gardman’s Product Manager for Wild Bird Care, Adam Bowler explained: “It is vitally important to feed wild birds during the winter to ensure they survive the sometimes very harsh conditions. It also enhances their success rates during the breeding season.
“We’re hoping garden centres and retailers that sell our products will also get involved by engaging with the general public to promote the importance of feeding garden birds.
“It is anticipated that more than one million wild birds are saved each year thanks to garden bird feeding.
“Birds need to consume high fat foods when the weather is cold. Body reserves have to be maintained if they are to survive the night. Ensure feed is available first thing in the morning as this will help them replace energy lost during the night and again mid-afternoon as this will help build up some reserves as darkness falls.”

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