Today’s thieves seem to be getting bolder. Insurance premiums are set in to rise in the next 12 months.
Much of the equipment that is reported stolen are smaller pieces of equipment like lawn mowers weed eaters or backpack blowers or attachments.
Just taking the extra few seconds to lock it down makes you less of a target.
Larger equipment may be more difficult to steal, but it’s hardly exempt. In fact, skid steers and zero-turn mowers are commonly stolen, thanks to their high resale value. To protect your equipment, older equipment that still operates by key needs to be re-keyed if it hasn’t already.
Cleveland- Sitesafe Ltd produce a wide range of secure buildings:
The building pictured is a 6’x6’x7’ flat roofed shed with 2’ deep shelves, strimmer prongs and hand tool rack.
All companies, but especially small- to medium-sized businesses with more limited resources, want to see improvement of their risk profiles translate into discounted insurance premiums. Secure storage can often help achieve this.
Tel. 01642 244663