Green-tech Supports Time to Talk Day on Thursday 6th February
Green-tech supported Time to Talk Day on Thursday 6 February and encouraging as many people as possible to choose to talk about mental health.
Every person within Green-tech was given time out from their daily duties on Thursday morning and shown some awareness videos on mental health and were then be given Time to Talk over a coffee and a bacon sandwich.
Time to Talk Day is organised by Time to Change, the campaign to change how we all think and act about mental health problems, led by charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness. Time to Talk Day aims to get as many people as possible talking about mental health.
Time to Change state “1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in any given year, but many of us are too afraid to talk about it. Starting a conversation about mental health might seem daunting but simply sending a text, checking in on a friend or sharing something on social media can break the ice.”
Rachel Kay, Managing Director at Green-tech said, “We are taking part in Time to Talk Day because mental health is a topic that we should all feel able to talk about. Having these important conversations can make a difference to many people. The more we talk, the more lives we change.
“Here at Green-tech we take the subject of mental health seriously and are taking steps to break down barriers and encourage our staff to talk. We have two inhouse Mental Health First Aiders and are in the process of signing up to The Time to Change Employer Pledge; a commitment to changing the way we all think and act about mental health in the workplace. We are gradually breaking down the stigma and are working hard so all of our staff know there is always someone to talk to in our workplace.”
Jo Loughran, Director of Time to Change, said: “Conversations have the power to change lives – helping to end the isolation, shame and worthlessness that too many of us feel when experiencing a mental health problem. Time to Talk Day is the one day of the year when we want the whole nation to have a mental health conversation.”
For information about Time to Talk Day and how you can get involved visit