The Landscaping Show…BALI…Brintex

The British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI) has joined forces with professional event organisers Brintex, organisers of the PlayFair children’s play equipment exhibition, to launch a major new landscaping event for landscape architects and designers, contractors, specifiers and procurement professionals: BALI 2011 – The Landscaping Show.
This new annual event will comprise three key elements: an exhibition for suppliers to showcase their products and services to an exclusively professional audience; demonstration areas for machinery, product installations and landscaping skills; and a two-day seminar programme with CPD-accredited sessions delivered by key industry speakers in the adjacent Warwick Conference Centre.
The decision to launch this new annual event was taken following consultation with BALI Affiliate (supplier) members who felt there was a genuine need for a focused event for the professional landscape industry. A major objective of the event is to provide opportunities to increase visitors’ skills and knowledge base and an additional highlight of the event will be the finals of the WorldSkills UK Landscape Gardening Competition where teams of trainee landscapers will construct identical gardens to be judged by a team of industry specialists.
The opportunity to exhibit will be available to BALI members and, space permitting, to established, reputable suppliers who are not currently members. The event is free to attend for all landscape industry professionals.
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BALI 2011 – The Landscaping Show will take place on a three acre open space in front of BALI’s headquarters Landscape House at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry on 14th and 15th June 2011,

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