
The coalition is keen to find ways of reducing the cost of absenteeism to the economy.
International research not confined to the laboratory but in real life situations, has shown how plants can reduce minor ailments such as headaches, blocked sinuses, eye and skin irritation, fatigue and more. They also have a very positive effect on reducing anxiety and depression by as much as 60%.
One of the most recent studies around plants achieving positive results was in Edinburgh a couple of years ago when introducing plants into an open plan insurance office not only reduced CO2 and monoxide levels but also increased humidity levels which keep us comfortable, and perhaps most importantly for Mr Cameron the plants reduced absenteeism levels by 50%.
Other studies in Norway and Germany have shown a decrease in absenteeism levels of up to 60% in earlier studies. Another bonus about plants is that they can also increase productivity in the workplace by up 12%

Mr Cameron might want to pop along to the LANDSCAPE Show at Olympia on 13th & 14th April to see eFIG’s Chairman Thomas Palfreyman talk about Plants as a Secret Weapon to learn more about what they can do for our workforce and the bottom line! Or if you’re a facility manager, catch Tom giving a similar presentation at TH!NKFM in Nottingham on 5th & 6th April.

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