The TransBank, designed and manufactured by Armorgard Security Products, is an efficient and economic way of transporting or storing hazardous substances. It is designed to fully comply with all UK regulations.
Available in 4 sizes, suitable for storing from a couple of tubs of Round Up, up to 4 jerry cans of petrol, these lightweight but robust units ‘have proved very popular with landscape contractors, local authorities and grounds maintenance companies nationwide.’ Key features include:
• Lockable over centre clamp
• Ventilation grilles with flame arrestor gauze
• High quality construction with relevant hazard warning signs attached
• Bolt holes for fixing down to surface.
• Fully welded sump base to contain any spillages
• Manufactured with ½ hour fire rating as required by law.
The TransBank is part of a range of storage units manufactured by Armorgard. Other products include tool vaults, large walk in units for storing tools or flammables, gas cages or drum stores.
TEl 0800 634 6650