New park…. The Land Trust

An exciting new park in London, the Beam Parklands, will be managed for the community by the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD). The announcement follows an extensive search for the best organisation to manage the innovative Dagenham park.
The final stages of the creation is underway with work expected to be completed in July. The Beam Parklands, currently known locally as Beam Valley or Dagenham Washlands, will be an attractive 53 hectare green space – an area equal to around 75 football pitches.
On completion the ownership of the site will transfer to the Land Trust. The Trust is a charity that holds land, such as the parklands, and enables the local community to use, get involved and benefit from it. However, a crucial part of the way the Trust works is the appointment of a locally based organisation which can work with the community to manage the site on a day to day basis. The Trust has secured an endowment of c£1.9 million from the Homes and Communities Agency’s Parklands allocation for the East London Green Grid. Crucially this money will cover all future management and maintenance cost for the new park. Vitally this money will also allow for the recruitment of a new ranger specifically to work on the parklands.
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