A dedicated team member has been assigned by Lantra to develop relationships and enhance the training and development needs of businesses in amenity horticulture.
Pam Smith was appointed as the Training and Development Officer for Historic and Botanic Gardens, funded by English Heritage. The role seeks to engage historic and botanic garden managers with the aim to raise the investment in skills, to promote the historic and botanic garden sector as a career choice and to establish a sustainable training infrastructure.
Pam has over 20 years experience in amenity horticulture working in public parks and botanic gardens and recently worked with Lantra on the review and development of the National Occupational Standards and job profiles within historic and botanic garden sector.
Pam said: "Working in a park, historic or botanic garden requires a range of skills which may seem surprising to those outside the sector. Part of my role will be to promote the sector as a positive career choice and to support those already working in the industry by highlighting these skills, provide support and training. In turn this will raise the profile of the sector as a choice for people committed to supporting and developing heritage, culture, and the environments of the public realm and people’s experiences of the places where they live, work and enjoy their leisure time."
For more information contact Lantra Connect on 0845 707 8007 or email connect@lantra.co.uk <mailto:connect@lantra.co.uk>