Video from the Bali / Playfair show.
Overview of the BALI and Playfair shows
Overview of the BALI show
Overview of the Playfair show.
Andrew Rodwell from SCH
Will Carr from Ransomes Jacobsen / Iseki
Paul Braddy from Oxford Plastics
James Gilmartin from Grono
Stuart Hedgecock from Perfectly Green
Chris Carr from Q Lawn
Tara Fraser from Bartlett Tree Experts.
Huw Thomas from Baroness
First videos of Landscape 2012. Produced by The Landscaper video production unit Tel 0208 253 8377
Interview with Jeremey Storey-Walker, organiser of the Landscape show. Olympia.
Interview with Patrick Vives from Etesia. 15th March 2012
Interview with Trevor Knight from Marshalls. 15th March 2012
Interview with Richard Fry from Rigby Taylor.
Interview with Simon Taylor from Eurograss
Interview with Alan Slack from Stewart
Interview Howard Whiteson from Hot Spring World