How are you finding working at Green-tech so far?
It’s fast-paced and exciting, a really great place to work. I’ve already met some of our suppliers and customers and it really is a welcoming industry. It’s been good to see first-hand that what you see is what you get with Green-tech. The team really do go above and beyond to source the best products and prices, to work with their customers and each other, to always deliver. The words, no or can’t, simply are not in the company’s DNA.
How do you feel about taking over from Richard and Rachel?
It’s a big responsibility. After all, they have developed and grown Green-tech for 27 years. I’m proud to be entrusted with the future growth and I’m excited about what that will look like. The ethos of the company, it’s people and service standards will remain the same but I’m looking forward to working with the management team and all the staff to build on the solid foundations.
What future do you see for Green-tech now it’s part of Origin Enterprises PLC?
Origin Amenity is part of Origin Enterprises and this comprises of some really strong brands – Headland Amenity, Rigby Taylor, Symbio and TurfKeeper. There will definitely be synergies and we are already working together to explore them. The group has a huge R&D facility which we are encouraged to use. This will be fantastic for Green-tech and I know the technical members of the team are delighted with this development. Being part of a PLC will open new avenues for Green-tech but the essence of what we offer and how we work, will not change. Origin encourages the individuality of each of its companies, recognising that this is what makes them successful.
What is your background and how are you hoping it will help in your new role.
I have worked as a Finance Director or CFO for organisations across a range of industries including rail, logistics and retail. A large part of my early working life was spent progressing within the world’s largest luxury goods group, LVMH. Here I learnt that second-to-none product knowledge and an excellent all-round customer experience is key to running a successful organisation.
I have a lot of experience managing teams, change and developing business strategy so although my background might not be in landscaping, the skills and experience I have gleaned along the way are transferrable and will be critical in helping me run Green-tech.
I’ve been working alongside Richard and Rachel for several months to ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved. I’m in a good position with a strong team around me and I’m excited about taking the business forward.
With sustainability and climate change very current across the globe, what are Green-Tech currently doing to help the cause and what if any plans do you have for the future within the business to help slow down the process of Climate change
It’s certainly very topical, we’ve recently spoken at the Harrogate Net Zero Business Conference about the benefits of Green Roofs and how they can help to increase the green infrastructure and help combat climate change. Many of our products actively help to slow down climate change but we continue to invest heavily to reduce the amount of single use plastic in our industry. We now have a viable range of plastic-free tree shelters to offer our customers, but there is still a long way to go. In 2020 Green-tech set out a robust sustainability policy with some ambitious targets. I am delighted that we have made significant inroads into these.
Within the landscaping industry as a whole what more do you think we could/shoul be doing to help protect the environment
I think of all the industries, we do a lot. What we collectively create, especially the urban regeneration or greening projects make a difference. The landscape designers and architects are constantly coming up with forward-thinking ideas and the manufacturers, suppliers and landscape contractors implement these. It really is a joint effort by an industry that are in a strong position to help effect change. The industry comes under criticism for the use of plastic and whilst it is essential that we protect trees and shrubs I think we all take responsibility in trying to reduce the plastic we use. Where it isn’t a viable option the innovative TUBEX collection and recycling scheme is something I would love to see more companies jump on board with.
And some trivia; in the world of landscaping/gardening what tool couldn’t you do without?
I know its cheating, but it has to be my petrol powered multi-tool … Hedge-trimming, strimming, leaf blowing… You name it, it does it!