June show…..www.balishow.co.uk

BALI has changed the dates of its launch exhibition next year to coincide with PlayFair 2011, which also takes place at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry and is run in conjunction with the Association of Play Industries (API).
Playfair 2011 already attracts professionals who have an interest in outdoor landscaping and the parks and amenity sector and event organisers Brintex are delighted that these two events will now take place concurrently.
Paul Cowell, BALI’s National Chairman, told The Landscaper : “BALI has taken this step so that our members and all other show visitors can gain the most value from their representative bodies at a time when our industry needs as much cost efficiency as possible.”
The event is free to attend for all landscape and play and leisure industry professionals.

TEl 020 7973 4695

BALI 2011 and PlayFair 2011 co-locate at Stoneleigh Park, 21-22 June 2011.

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