Practicality Brown specialise in the supply of quality specimen and semi mature screening trees offering immediate impact on any landscape project.
At their nursery, they stock a wide range of containerised specimen trees, both evergreen and deciduous.
For larger projects they draw upon their relationship with 26 Northern European specialist growers to ensure that they can offer the most comprehensive range of trees available in the UK.
Their range includes:
Semi mature trees (avenues, clumps, screening, etc.)
Specimen trees (focal points etc.)
Screening trees
Evergreen screening trees
Espalier trees of all shapes and sizes
Box Head trees
Topiary (Cones, Balls, obelisks, Pyramids, Domes, etc.)
Formed Arches (usually supplied on metal frames)
Instant Hedge
Tree stock
Practicality Brown offers a combination of home grown, contract grown and outsourced specimen trees and semi mature trees which allows full enquiries to be supplied competitively.
Tree sizes supplied range from 18/20cm – 90/100cm girth deciduous trees and 2-12m high evergreen trees. Practicality Brown selects best quality semi mature trees and specimen trees from over 400,000 trees in over 240 varieties.
Graeme Jenkins told The Landscaper, “Our Elveden Instant Hedge is the only true ‘Instant Hedge’ which is a fully knitted hedge, sold by the linear metre, not as individual plants. Grown at the Elveden Estate in East Anglia, the Elveden Instant Hedge is unique; the entire root structure developed by these hedges is carried to the planting site, eliminating transplant shock and allowing us to plant all year round. No other hedge is as effective or robust. We supply both evergreen instant hedges and deciduous instant hedges”.