Increased interest in urban gardening has seen a rise in the popularity of ‘bringing the outside in’. The indoor plant market has grown by 32% in the past two years (source: Total Garden Care, GfK Management Report, 2018).
Foliage plants lead the revival, and traditional plants are also coming back into fashion including yucca, ficus, cacti and succulents.
Self-watering planter manufacturer Lechuza believes there is an emerging customer base that enjoys plants and their benefits, but lacks time or space for a full garden. Lechuza’s Key Account Manager, Ian Riggs, explains: “Recent market data shows that sales of houseplants are enjoying sustained and substantial annual growth, and forecasts indicate this will continue. However, further data shows that many people don’t know how to look after their plants. Houseplants are, once again, opening up gardening to a new audience who seek style and convenience, but they don’t necessarily have green fingers.”
City living with no outdoor space has seen people creating gardens indoors as well as being a way of improving interior aesthetic. Houseplants are also a great way of improving air quality around the home.
Houseplants can be surprisingly tricky to maintain, and top maintenance tips largely focus around watering which may seem obvious but is often the downfall of new gardeners, with many either over- or under watering. Most houseplants prefer watering from below, to keep the leaves dry and prevent scorching. Lechuza planters supply the optimum amount of water required to keep houseplants thriving with little human intervention. The water reservoir at the bottom of each planter provides plants with the water they need for optimum growth for up to 12 weeks.