Good Returns…..The Tillington Group

Sarah Squire and her father Colin Squire

The Tillington Group comprises 11 major garden centre companies with locations throughout England.
Despite the recession sales held up well in 2011 Sarah Squire told The Landscaper
“Grow Your Own remained strong. Items that went particularly well were organic and peat free composts, straight fertilisers, large grow bags, grafted vegetables and herbs. Grass seed saw probably its best season ever, perhaps due to the damage to lawns as a result of the wet weather and snow at the end of 2010.
“On the ornamental side alpine and rockery plants saw resurgence in popularity and the Raymond Evison clematis (particularly the new and interesting varieties) proved very popular. It was also a good year for solar lighting.
“Looking forward to the 2012 season we believe that value for money in all categories will be key and that new and interesting products will sell well provided the price is keen.
“In terms of specific product that we think will excite attention we believe that the new Miracle Gro expand and gro compost which is coir based and expands by 3 times when you add water will prove popular especially as it will be backed up by major advertising.”
The Tillington Group has combined turnover of approaching £200 million, over 3,000 staff and 36 centres.

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