Designed for 2131 ..Ecobuild Report

The Oasis Rainwater and Greywater Harvesting System is a sustainable water collection, storage and supply system to help reduce the demand for mains water from domestic and commercial buildings. It is just one product in a complete package of Storm Attenuation Solutions provided by the CPM Group.
The storage tanks are manufactured in pre-cast reinforced concrete and have a 120 year design life
CPM offers many different types of systems for both domestic and larger schemes The system works by collecting rainwater from the roof and occasionally hard standing areas, which are usually gravity fed through a cleaning filter into the Oasis chamber and via calmed inlet. In a typical installation it is then pumped through a floating filter directly on demand to the required supply areas i.e. non-potable applications such as toilet cisterns, washing machines, vehicle washing and garden taps.
There are a number of backup systems that can be placed into the system if there is insufficient rainwater stored in the holding chamber. This can be either via a header tank or directly into the holding tank, therefore ensuring continuity of supply.
Water quality is maintained by the removal of organic matter and also by the action of the incoming water through the calmed inlet which introduces oxygen into the stored water. Rainwater is very soft and chloride free, making it excellent for machines.
Tel: 01179 812791

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