Chemical training workshops by Green-tech

Following the success of previous Chemical Workshops, landscape suppliers Green-tech have announced dates for their next two chemical workshops – Training the Trainer. 

Each workshop features six speaker sessions (BASIS points available) which cover topical subjects including Japanese knotweed control, sprayer calibration, nozzle selection, choosing the correct chemical for the application, the future of glyphosate and alternative options, policy changes and updates to license requirements.

They will include presentations from industry-leading guest speakers including Advanced Invasives, Amenity Forum, Bayer, Belchim, Certis UK (Scotland only), ICL and JSD Rail (London only).

This is a free event, which includes lunch and provides a great opportunity for networking with like-minded peers in the industry. Delegates can collect BASIS Professional Register points for each session attended.

Says Green-tech’s Sales Director Richard Gill: “I am delighted to be able to bring this workshop to London and Scotland. We received incredibly positive feedback from our previous training workshops which prompted us to offer the same workshop but in a different geographical region.  I am incredibly grateful to our seven industry partners for joining forces with us. 

“The day will provide delegates with a great networking opportunity and will enable them to take away advice and best practice techniques to pass on throughout their teams.”

  • Places are limited. Book for a free place at
  • Venues & dates: London: Wednesday 29 May Capel Manor, Enfield, London; Scotland: Wednesday 10 July, SRUC Oatridge Campus in Ecclesmachan, Broxburn, West Lothian.
  • Times: 9 am -1.30 pm followed by lunch.
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