A new breed of slow growing carbon capturing turf has been launched in a joint venture by Inturf, Paynes Turf and Rigby Taylor
CARBON CAPTURE TURF: sequesters atmospheric carbon dioxide in the soil at the rate of 13 tonnes per ha per annum within 2½ years of laying. This compares with 2 tonnes per ha per annum for deciduous woodland after 25 years of growth and 11 tonnes per ha per annum for coniferous forest after the same 25 year period; stores a further 47 tonnes of carbon dioxide per ha per annum in the roots of the turf.
In addition to its ability to lock up carbon dioxide at this astonishing rate, CARBON CAPTURE TURF grows at a slower rate than other grass varieties, thus reducing maintenance costs and producing fewer clippings. Supplies of the new turf are available from this spring.
“Turfgrass already plays an important part in the designed landscape by providing the green open spaces which many people – especially city dwellers – long for,” Brian Robinson, Director of Seed Research for Rigby Taylor told The Landscaper . “CARBON CAPTURE TURF enhances the part which turf can play in designing sustainable landscapes with its ability to make an immediate, measurable, and dramatic impact on carbon sequestration and on maintenance costs.”