‘The evening of Tuesday, January 20, is one that will live long in the memory. The BIGGA Social Evening, in the Majestic Hotel, will have something for everyone’.
Those who like a little flutter can take to the casino tables and, with chips provided by BIGGA and a prize for the person who gathers the most by the end of the evening.
For the agile, there is a Bucking Rudolph – a cuddlier version of a Bucking Bull – and a Ski Machine, while an array of arcade style games will appeal to the nostalgic.
Also featuring at this fun-filled event will be are a Saloon Bar ShootOut, a Golf Challenge, table football and many more attractions that will allow you to put your skills to the test. PLUS if you’re looking for someone to impress during the evening there will be a couple of Las Vegas-style Showgirls wandering through the rooms.
Tickets are £25 each (including a meal) and the evening will run from 7pm until 10.30pm. To book tickets and for details of how to register for Harrogate Week visit the website: www.harrogateweek.org.uk or TEl : 01347 833800.