Biodiversity to Bermondsey

The construction of the Bermondsey Dive Under, a new railway junction to the east of London Bridge station, has increased biodiversity in the urban area of Bermondsey by 113%, winning the team a coveted CEEQUAL ‘Excellent’ award of 96.6%.
The Thameslink Programme, part of Network Rail’s Railway Upgrade Plan, is committed to increasing net positive biodiversity on its projects. Prior to the beginning of construction in 2012, the Bermondsey site had limited botanical diversity and low conservation value; it was scattered with the previous tenant’s debris and the soil was heavily contaminated with asbestos, Japanese Knotweed and hydrocarbons.
The project removed over 21,900 tonnes of contaminated material and eradicated the Japanese Knotweed. To increase biodiversity, wildflower planting and green walls were installed to offset vegetation lost in the process of removing the contaminated soils. The project installed 765m2 of green walls under arches and access ramps and planted wildflowers on the railway embankments to create green corridors and stepping stones to the wider area, leaving a fantastic legacy both environmentally and aesthetically for the local community. The team also carried out extensive community engagement, including upgrading the garden in the Lewisham Community Centre.

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