Science points to the fact that trees are not only generally very safe, but, in fact, large street trees are vital for protecting us from the harsh sun and sudden downpours brought on by climate change.
UK temperatures are predicted to rise by 3–7°C by 2099. Research from the University of Manchester shows that a 10% increase in urban tree cover could completely neutralise the impacts of this rise. Despite this, towns and cities are losing large trees at an alarming rate, in order to reduce the risk of subsidence claims or liability for damage and death caused by falling branches. In addition to this, the planting of large tree species factored into new building developments is insufficient.
How can we ensure that the people we depend on to create good living environments will take the right decisions about planning for and conserving large trees in the urban landscape’
Visionary tree management company Treework Environmental Practice and the Forestry Commission are bringing together experts and arboricultural professionals to discuss this very question in a one-day conference: Trees and Urban Climate Adaptation – A social agenda for liveable cities on 19 November at The Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR. Bookings are now being taken at
The cost is £220 per person + VAT.
Treework Environmental Practice is a arboricultural and ecological consultancy providing services to clients throughout the UK.