The APL Awards, which recognise and promote the best of British landscaping, have attracted a record number of entries this year. They demonstrate the high quality of landscaping achieved by APL registered members and their commitment to professional workmanship and customer satisfaction.
The judging panel consisting of Mark Gregory (Landform Consultants and APL vice-chair), Chris Young (RHS), Sally Holgate (Bradstone), Andy Sturgeon (Andy Sturgeon Landscape & Design), Jason Lock (DeakinLock Garden Design and APL CEO) and Alex Webster (The Essential Earthmen and APL Committee) have been suitably impressed by the extremely high quality of entries.
Chair of Judges and APL vice chair Mark Gregory told The Landscaper, “The bar has once again been raised with the standard of entries this year being exceptionally high. I would encourage APL members to come along to the Awards luncheon as it provides a great opportunity to network with fellow APL members as well as hear first hand about the winning landscaping projects.”
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he APL Awards luncheon, sponsored by Bradstone, will take place on Wednesday 10 February at the Sketchley Grange Hotel in Hinckley, Leicestershire. The after lunch speech will be given by garden and landscape designer James Alexander- Sinclair.