Image: 2013 Rose of the Year.’ You are Beautiful’
There is a rose for every garden situation, even indoors. From Hybrid Teas to miniatures, climbers to floribundas, the choice is endless which is why this versatile beauty has been chosen as the HTA’s Plant of the Month for June.
As part of the HTA’s ‘Spring into Summer’ campaign, the HTA’s British Rose Group (BRG) is encouraging consumers to purchase a living rose to mark special occasions for future generations to enjoy.
June is an ideal time to plant new roses in the garden and they should carry on flowering until the first frosts of winter with a minimum care and provide a delightful reminder for years to come. With a wide selection of bush, climbing, patio and shrub roses to choose from, there is one to suit every garden situation.
Recent market information conducted by HTA revealed that 49 per cent of British adults with a garden have roses in them. Roses have also seen a revival over the past decade with breeders creating varieties that are easier to care for and more disease resistant.
Roses are easy to grow and thrive in most soil types providing there is good drainage. They prefer a position that is sunny and not too exposed. Roses need regular feeding as this will maintain their vigour and improve their resistance against pest and disease. Pruning is also important to remove dead heads and improve flowering over a longer period of time and is necessary to keep the plants in shape during the winter.
Site hosts the Rose Locator facility – a searchable database of roses and their stockists.