Speedy installation……..

SUDSCAPE is a hard landscaping system that is comprised of a base layer of recycled car tyres, and a top layer of UV stable resin mixed with a stone finish.
It has been installed on over 600 sq. metres of ground within a court yard that links an original building with a new building that will be used to house administration facilities for WS Atkins in Epsom.
A key consideration for the project was the ability of the system to provide a specific surface colour that would effortlessly harmonise the new building with those already in existence. The system’s low maintenance guarantee was also considered important. It does not require any special cleaning technique, and because rainwater is effectively held within the base layer of recycled car tyres until it is naturally absorbed back into the water table, it eliminates the risk of puddle formation.
The installation process is speedy – 12 days from start to finish, including colour matching the surface.
Tel 01827 288533

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