
Play area has been constructed mainly from giant pieces of Douglas fir and oak by Otterbourne-based sculptor Andy Frost, with the addition of larch and spruce formed to make large hollow tree tunnels. It’s this natural finish allows it to blend, almost completely, into its woodland setting.
“My initial concept was to create an avalanche effect,” said Andy. “This particular play sculpture is set into a natural slope and at over 35 metres long it seemed a perfect site to explore the horizontal potential of play. We have left several tall pine trees around the structure but “Timber!!’ itself is meant to represent fallen trees. I’m hoping it will make people stop and think about their environment as well as providing some great challenges for everyone as they climb around it.”
‘Timber!!’ is the latest attraction on the Moors Valley Play Trail which features nine other unique pieces of wooden play equipment including more examples of Andy’s work.

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