Amidst the current uncertainty that surrounds Ash trees both environmentally and commercially, British Hardwood Tree Nursery (BHT) has won a significant order to export tree accessories to Dubai.
BHT MD Andrew Henderson ( pictured) is pleased to have secured the order and said; “We have been talking to a landscaping company in Dubai and were very pleased to win the contract to supply 15,000 Buckle Tree Ties for a variety of planting projects within the emirate.
The nursery has just invested in a new warehouse and computer upgrades for the busy ‘bare root’ season that lasts from October to April when the team of 9 will distribute over 1 million trees and hedging plants throughout the UK.
Established in 1989, British Hardwood Tree Nursery supplies an extensive range of quality bare root trees, shrubs and hedgerow plants to farmers, landowners, estate owners, contractors and public sector organisations nationwide.
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