ONE OF the UK’s leading commercial nurseries in Hereford has collected more than a tonne of acorns from some renowned mature oak trees in the area so they can be planted for future generations to enjoy.
Wyevale Nurseries has collected the nuts from Dymock, where mature oaks planted more than 100 years ago are much sought after as a seed source, and will be growing them on in the spring for people to re-plant.
Adam Dunnett, Sales and Marketing Director at Wyevale Nurseries in Hereford, told The Landscaper, “So far we have collected more than a tonne of acorns ready for storage overwinter and then spring sowing. The young trees will be ready for planting from autumn 2016 onwards.
“By collecting our own seeds, we are able to register their provenance, which is vitally important to the conservation of British varieties. Provenance certification is often requested on landscaping schemes for sound ecological reasons – sourcing native plants to fit in with native flora.
“Not only are we preserving traditional British trees but also providing landscapers and garden designers with local provenance trees which have not travelled hundreds of miles, will digest CO2 as well as roosting hundreds of mini bugs. These trees will enhance tomorrow’s world.”
Wyevale Nurseries has a significant product range and is regularly introducing new plants. It offers a large variety of trees, shrubs, hedging, herbaceous and specimen plants to garden centers, landscape contractors, local authorities, foresters and landowners.