Smart Cut.

An investment of over £100k in recycling and mulching equipment has paid dividends for Pershore –based Smart Cut. It was the company’s capability to recycle 100% of its green waste that proved one of the deciding factors in beating off strong competition to win the 4+4 year grounds maintenance contract for Wychavon District Council, the LGC Council of the Year in 2007.

This latest contract is the third in succession for Smart Cut. Commenting on the contract win, Smart Cut Director Tom Rimell said: “Our recent focus has been on establishing our quality and environmental credentials. We are a medium size operation with 30 employees so it represented significant investment and one that we will capitalise on.
“The other advantage we offer clients, which particularly impressed Wychavon, is that we carry out all our own equipment maintenance and even carry spares on all the vehicles to that we can do repairs to kit on site. It allows us to maintain our machines to a very high standard and clients are not inconvenienced by delays and downtime.”

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