Be prepared………JCB

Scouting leaders lived up to their motto of being prepared by deploying 80 JCB machines to build and operate a massive campsite at a world jamboree for 40,000 participants.
The machines were used initially for the construction of a huge campsite for the 22nd World Scouting Jamboree in Rinkaby, Sweden. The WORKMAX UTVs then played a huge role for the duration of the August event, carrying people and materials around the site, with some even being converted into fire tenders complete with emergency medical equipment and 12 fire extinguishers on board.
World Scout Event Logistics Manager Magnus Pehrsson said: “The JCB WORKMAX has been used for all types of work such as personnel transportation, fire and rescue equipment, and service patrols for water and electricity supplies. The big benefit with the WORKMAX is that it is pretty small and it is easy to drive on the site.”

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