Larch Seed Pod….. BSW Timber

Twelve graduates from Glasgow’s Mackintosh School of Architecture have undertaken their first commission using BSW Timber’s Larch Cladding and transformed a Girl Guide campsite in Lanarkshire, Scotland.
The Seed Pod – a woodland shelter – was designed and built to provide a gathering space, play area and non-denominational area of worship for the Brownies and Guides who visit the campsite.
The project was run by Design Build Studio, a summer programme set up by architect and tutor Catriona Hill, to offer architecture graduates hands-on experience through participation in a live construction project.
The use of timber, particularly locally grown, as the construction material was a key element of the project design. Consulting with Catriona, BSW Timber recommended the use of Larch, which was supplied from it’s sawmill in Fort William which was machine profiled by International Timber in Grangemouth. All pieces had to be manageable for shaping and carrying as all access to the site was on foot.

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