Landscapers highlighted

Yellow Pages have highlighted landscapers and gardeners in one of it’s high profile advertising campaigns.
Having been relied on for over forty years to provide trusted business listings for cities, towns and villages across the country Yellow Pages wanted to use a high impact campaign to remind people that the book is at the heart of local communities across the UK, providing a huge range of everyday services.
To demonstrate the enormous choice available in each area’s Yellow Pages giant spark plugs, paint brushes and trowels were placed alongside local landmarks – each symbolising popular categories of a Yellow Page directory.
The landscaper and gardener advert, and accompanying media campaigns, featured in 15 book areas between September and December 2008 and will be rolled out to a further 6 areas in 2009.

Members of the Association of Professional Landscapers (APL), the only landscaping body with TrustMark accreditation, are given preferential rates for advertising in the Yellow Pages listings.

APL Chairman Adam Frost says, “As one of the most popular categories landscaping and gardening was selected for this visual campaign and APL members are set to benefit as it is rolled out across the country. This demonstrates a very effective spin off from APL membership.”

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