Contact 2013 -January 16 & 17

The HTA have announced that they will be running workshops and a tour at Contact 2013, sponsored by Bulrush and Floramedia.
The tour will be to the Bransford Webbs Plant Company to see their new 2,300sq m despatch unit which opened in April this year allowing fast and efficient despatching of plants 12 months of the year.
These facilities allow a team of up to 30 staff to process large numbers of plants and deliveries – up to 113,000 plants can be loaded onto 1,100 Danish trolleys to make up 440 deliveries per week at the peak of the season.
Workshops on Thursday afternoon will run twice giving delegates an opportunity to attend two of the three on offer. The workshops on offer are as follows:
1. The Future for QR Codes – facilitated by Charles Carr, Lowaters Nursery, with Nick Mathias from Floramedia and a leading retailer which will see a discussion on how retailers will want to use QR codes in the future, the technology available and how growers can tackle it.
2. The Future for Growing Media – facilitated by Catherine Dawson, Melcourt Industries, with a panel of growers including Derek Taylor from Kirton Farm Nursery sharing their thoughts and experiences on how we progress the journey towards using sustainable growing media.
3. Planning a Pesticide-Reduced Future – facilitated by David Talbot, ADAS, with Erika Wedgewood from ADAS and Dr Paul Sopp from Fagro on best practice in Integrated Crop Management (ICM) for HNS, developments in biopesticides and progress in IPM for HNS.
Every other January since 1998 nurserymen (young and old) have come together at the Contact event to discuss the current state of the sector, find out the latest about this exciting industry, meet old friends and make new ones, laugh and take away lots of ideas and inspiration to implement into their roles and businesses. This year the event takes place on 16 and 17 January 2013 at the Holiday Inn, Bromsgrove.

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